Byron Fire District Telephone Extensions

The Byron Fire Protection District switched to an AUTOMATED Phone System. 

What does this mean and how do you get ahold of someone?  Simply dial:  815-234-4911, press "0" for immediate assistance.  If you are looking for a specific employee you may select the dial by name option or see the phone extension list below: 

As always, in case of an EMERGENCY, please dial 911.   


Byron Fire District
Phone Extensions
Chief Andrew Politsch 4491
D/C Tony Dinges 4493
B/C Tim Free 4494
B/C Nate Landin  4492
Lt. Ryan Bruce 4495
Lt. Cole Stegall 4496
Lt. Paul Brantner 4497
FF Dan Dwyer 4489
FF Chuck Clothier 4485
FF Jacob Kass 4481
FF Tyler Schlaf 4484
FF Branden Adamson 4487
 FF Adrian Trujillo   4488
Mike Traum & Jody Rawson 4476
Terry Reeverts 4482
Michele Trzcinski-Ramos 4470